13 December 2009

Israel could survive nuclear war

A nuclear war between Israel and Iran would result in 16-20 million Iranians vs. 0.2-0.8 million Israelis (''חס ו) casualties, according to a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. It would last about three weeks and end with the annihilation of Iran, due to Israel's possession of weapons with a far larger yield. Israel would have a larger chance of survival; no prediction as to how many deaths would be due to nuclear fallout.
Even if Iran gained the means and knowledge to create nuclear weapons, it would still be limited to 100 kiloton weapons, which can cause a far smaller radius of destruction than the 1 megaton bombs Israel possesses.

Possible targets for an Iranian strike are the Tel Aviv and Haifa, while targets in Iran would be Teheran, Tabriz, Qazvin, Esfahan, Shiraz, Yazd, Kerman, Qom, Ahwaz and Kermanshah.

Israel's Arrow missiles are an obstacle for Iran and could shoot down most of the missiles. Israel would then hit most of the Iranian cities with pinpoint accuracy due to the high resolution satellite imagery systems at its disposal.

Another scenario includes Syria jumping in and lobbing missiles with chemical and biological warheads into Israeli cities. According to the report, up to 800,000 Israelis (''חס ו)would be killed if that were to happen. Syria, however, would be forced to grapple with the deaths of approximately 18 million of its citizens were Israel to respond with its nuclear arsenal.

Israel would launch a nuclear attack on Cairo and additional Egyptian cities, and would destroy the Aswan Dam if Egypt joined the fray.

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