01 March 2009

Gog and Magog Cancelled

No War of Gog and Magog

It is explained in the writings that after the ingathering of the Exiles of the future, there will be the war of Gog and Magog. There is also a received tradition that since the exile has lasted so long, we have been absolved of the war of Gog and Magog, and after the ingathering of the exiles, Israel will dwell in peace on their land forever. This is similar to what happened in Egypt where the difficulty of the servitude fulfilled [the required] 400 years of servitude in far fewer years, so too, this exile is in the opposite manner: that the long length of time [of this last exile] has fulfilled the difficulty of servitude and the many evils and travails that we have endured will in the future come upon the haters of Israel. And don't be astonished that this appears to be a change from what is written explicitly in the Torah, for we see that in Egypt the verse explicitly states 400 years and, nonetheless, the difficulty of the servitude fulfilled and reduced them by 190 years. So, too, as regards the matter of the war of Gog and Magog.

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Anonymous said...

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